North Yorkshire County Council


North Yorkshire Standing Advisory Council

on Religious Education (SACRE) –


7th December 2021

Update from Professional RE Adviser




Purpose of the Report



To inform Members on work undertaken by the Professional RE Adviser since the last SACRE meeting.



2.0       Training


2.1       This year NYCC is again offering termly online professional practice networks for all               schools. These networks will include support for subject knowledge, curriculum-planning using the  North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus, national and local updates, resources to support RE and an opportunity to ask questions and share good practice. 


2.2      The Autumn term RE Professional Practice Groups saw an increase in attendance from Primary Colleagues but the secondary RE Practice Group again did not run.


            2.3       Please find below feedback from the Primary Professional Practice Groups.


·         Thank you for the ideas and support within leadership. I am looking forward to looking more at assessment as this is something we are developing in school at the moment.

·         Thanks Olivia, all very useful info and very relevant to what we are looking at as a whole school at the moment. 

·         Thank you for the ideas and support, I always find these network meetings really useful and they just help me to refocus.

·         That's been really useful Olivia.  I'll definitely be attending the others.  Thank you.

·         I have been RE lead for a while but my teaching experience is KS2, therefore I find it more difficult to know what RE should look like in EYFS and continuous provision, some guidance on this would be very useful

·         Thank you, all very relevant and offered support to Curriculum Leads. I am looking forward to the assessment session as I feel this is an area I need to develop more.

·         Thank you for your continued support Olivia.

·         Thank you Olivia. Looking forward to the assessment workshop

·         This has all been brilliant thank you Olivia. The content has been spot on. Lots of resources and very practical. Thank you!!!!!!

·         Thanks for today, it was really useful to go back to looking at the intent etc.. for RE as sometimes going back to these can be lost in the busyness of everything else going on!  

·         This has all been really helpful - thank you so much. I will look forward to a session around assessment. Thank you!

·         That has been absolutely fantastic. Really practical advice. I would love to come to the next one. 































2.4       Spring Term training and Professional Practice Groups for Primary will focus on Assessment in RE’ including a focus on the Ofsted Research Review for  Religious Education There are two options for the network


-       Tuesday 1st March 2022 09.30-11.30   course code SI-0322-T039

-       Monday 7th March 2022 13.30-15.30 course code SI-0322-T040


2.5       The secondary RE professional practice network will focus on

intent and implementation of an effective RE curriculum (with a particular focus on curriculum progression, deep dives and Ofsted expectations)

Monday 28th March 2022 16.00-18.00 course code SI-0322-T041


2.6       We are also offering the Primary Religious Education Subject Leadership Course again in the Spring term. This practical course is suitable for new or developing Primary RE subject leads to support developing an effective RE curriculum. This course will be split over 2 sessions with a gap task in between


2.7       The course focuses on:-


·         developing an effective RE curriculum using the locally Agreed Syllabus

·         developing an understanding of the role of Primary RE lead

·         developing meaningful and manageable monitoring and evaluation


Day 1: Wednesday 16th March 2022 09:30 - 11:30

The role of a curriculum leader

Curriculum intent and implementation

Supporting effective teaching and learning

Subject knowledge and supporting professional development


Day 2: Thursday 31st March 2022 13:30 - 15:30

The role of a curriculum leader

Curriculum implementation and impact

Assessment in RE

Effective monitoring and evaluation

Deep dives in RE


3.0       SACRE Newsletter


3.1       Attached is the most recent newsletter that has gone out to all schools. We would like to feature a SACRE member each time, using the member profile information and anything additional that members feel would contribute to supporting engagement with our schools. 



Olivia Seymour

Professional Adviser to North Yorkshire SACRE

County Hall, Northallerton




Report Author: Olivia Seymour


Background documents:  SACRE Newsletter